UkGuider is created to help people discover amazing new things to try based on recommendations from circle of trusted & experienced users in UK who have strong opinion in their respective fields of interests. It is an online community by UK locals created to provide in-depth information and authentic insights on different aspects of UK life style. Aim is to provide one stop destination of everything UK.

Its community driven user generated platform for people to share their experiences with businesses, both good and bad. We try to help people discover awesome new businesses and avoid bad ones every day.

UkGuider besides helping customers by providing good recommendations also help promote good businesses and make them stand out of crowd by giving them more exposure for providing excellent customer service and great experience. It’s a winning advertising proposition for businesses.

Business information on UkGuider not only comes from business owners, but also from other sources including third party content suppliers. This means we can provide comprehensive information on more UK businesses.

How are we different

Normally directories help you find businesses and give prominence to ones that pay the most. But you never know if they are any good because there is no mention of their service quality and customer experience.

For us it’s not just about promotion based on money. We are different because we believe in rewarding good businesses by amplifying their presence and help them organically rank based on their UkGuider Score generated based on user feedback, customer experience, active engagement and timely response on customer complaints and inquiries. We promote businesses based on merit and not just how much they spend and if a business is providing poor service then we consider it our mission to inform customers so they can avoid them by providing better alternatives. It’s a win-win, Business get new customers without spending a fortune and customers get to avoid bad businesses and thus have best recommendation for their search.

UkGuider is absolutely the best way to find the best local businesses, using real information from real people. is recommendations on steroids.